SAE 2015 On-Board Diagnostics Symposium: North America

September 15-17, 2015, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Event Overview

Seeking the latest information regarding the on-board monitoring and calibration systems associated with the ever-changing emission regulations?  The SAE 2015 OBD Symposium serves as the industry’s meeting place regarding North American and European technologies geared to meet the most up-to-date CARB, EPA, other global OBD regulations.

This event features speakers from regulators, OEMs, and various solution providers; breakout sessions on relevant and timely topics; and presentations on the latest technologies being employed to meet current and upcoming global regulations. 

Attendees will gather valuable technical knowledge, insight, and information with respect to CARB, and the EPA, and global standards associated with light- and heavy-duty emissions controls.

This event is also being held in Stuttgart, Germany on March 2-4, 2015.

Exhibit & Sponsor

This long-standing on-board diagnostic event represents a promotional opportunity you can't afford to miss! Work with our sales team to meet your corporate goals through sponsorship or exhibition at the SAE 2015 On-Board Diagnostics Symposium.  Sponsoring allows you to increase your corporate recognition, and connect with leading technical and regulation authorities and decision makers from industry, government, and academia.  Exhibiting at the SAE 2015 On-Board Diagnostics Symposium is the perfect opportunity to present and demonstrate your products and services to industry leaders and practitioners from around the world whose focus is on the latest on-board diagnostics regulations and standards. 


Don’t limit your participation to just one event! The SAE 2015 On-Board Diagnostics Symposium will also be held in Stuttgart, Germany on March 2-4, 2015…providing your company with two opportunities, in two different markets.





Demographic Overview