SAE 2016 International Powertrain, Fuels & Lubricants Meeting

October 24-26, 2016, Baltimore, MD, United States

Event Overview

Stay connected with the future of powertrain, fuels and lubricants technology as you network with peers, discuss new and emerging technologies, and meet recognized technology experts at this year's Powertrains, Fuels, and Lubricants Meeting in Birmingham, England. Participants at this year's event will hear about and discuss the latest developments in technologies including (but not limited to):

  • Combustion
  • Hybrid Powertrains
  • Engine Downsizing
  • Engine control
  • Fuels and Fuel Efficiency
  • Lubricants
  • Advanced Fuel delivery
  • Emissions reduction

 In addition to a comprehensive range of technical sessions, the program will also feature keynote presentations, panel discussions on current topics, networking opportunities, and much more!

For event program information and updates, please visit 

Exhibit & SPONSORship


Put your brand, products and services in front of the leading technical authorities with the latest and innovative developments in Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants. Generate new sales leads and build visibility for your company in this growing technology. 


Benefits of Exhibiting

  • Showcase products and expertise to an audience comprising those most knowledgeable on the science and technology of light and heavy duty powertrains, fuels and lubricants.
  • Expand contacts and client base through informal, face-to-face interaction
  • Create expanded opportunities for new or continued business



Increase your corporate recognition and reach your target audience. High-visibility sponsorships are cost-effective, powerful solutions for increasing your on-site SAE 2016 International Powertrain, Fuels & Lubricants Meeting presence. Select from a Gold Partnership, or an exclusive sponsorship. Have something else in mind? We can create a customized option that will help you achieve your goals at SAE 2016 International Powertrain, Fuels & Lubricants Meeting.


Demographic Overview